Welcome Home Modern Mystic....





The Mystics Society

An expansive community for healers, creatives, and intuitive entrepreneurs to claim and live by the heartbeat of their inner Mystic.

Have you heard the call?

  • You may be experiencing increased evidence of signs or synchronicity, as if the Universe is trying to tell you something
  • You may feel a powerful draw to sacred spaces or being in nature
  • Your dream life may be growing more active and vivid
  • You are becoming more attuned to the subtle energies all around you
  • You've been called forth by the Mystic Almanac, Oracle or Forecast and have felt activated by the words, insights or imagery

Deep within us all is a memory of magic and mystery that is returning as a desire for stronger connections in our modern time.  

When we start to reconnect, to claim our ancient magical heritage, we begin to experience the power of magic, and learn how to use it as a force for transformation.

Though it is a natural process, reconnection is not automatic.  It requires discipline, mindfulness, deeper awareness, and strong intentions; we must work to develop our mystic gifts. We must face hard truths and ask ourselves hard questions to build the foundation that allows us to reach out into the mystic realms and access the power available there – to begin to practice real magic.

Many people come to the Mystics Society experiencing challenges in the areas of their health, finances or relationships. These are three “Transformational Levers” that spirit uses to break through our walls of disconnection to get our attention.  They drive us to seek more out of life. The Mystics Path is a way to turn life’s challenges into opportunities for transformation.


The Mystics Society is a place to commit to going deeper, to allow transformation and move forward. You do this with a peer group of others on the path - healers, creatives, artists, entrepreneurs and leaders who want more - more aligned action, more health, more love, more magic, more possibilities, and more ease and grace.

The Mystic understands and experiences the unity of the All.  The Mystic is inextricably connected to the world around them, and has access to knowledge, power, and wisdom through this connection.  The Modern Mystic creates a life where they are thriving, resonant and prosperous.

Gratitude Before all Else



You may want to consider joining if:

  • Your intuition is strengthening, and the call to know yourself more fully and deeply, and to express your true inner gifts, is amplifying
  • You are finding yourself in situations or in conversations with others where the lines between the “here and now” and “universal truth” are beginning to blend
  • You seem to be experiencing synchronicity more and more often, as if the universe is trying to tell you something
  • At times you feel as though no one truly “gets” you and the depth of your heart and Soul
  • You’re ready to commit and cultivate your inner mystic with your peer group and potent mentors
  • You may already have been honing a craft or experimenting with magic, but may not have fully claimed and integrated your gifts and come out of the mystical closet
  • You’re ready to create rhythms and core routines that support you on your path

Feedback From Our Members...

  • Lindsay Pera

    “It really pays to join this community. In the Mystics Society you’re immediately surrounded by the kindest people, and the monthly content brings the most refined mystic investigations and well-curated guests. The ground around Lindsay is always fertile with insightful inquiry as well as very practical wisdom. It’d be worth joining for Lindsay’s "message from the ethers” alone. These monthly channelings are always eerily (yet not surprisingly) spot on. The otherworldly and the everyday wisdom are shared with the generosity and depth that are the mark of this fine internet community.”

  • Lindsay Pera

    “You know when they say when the student is ready, the teacher appears? Well that's EXACTLY what Lindsay Pera and the Mystics Society has been for me. The first year I dove right into the portal content and monthly Zoom calls. I even claimed a few coaching hot seats. Listening, learning, absorbing, I began applying alchemy and magic to every aspect of my life; including business--"say what?" And guess what? It's totally paid off. I left a corporate job in financial services and started my own business. ”

    Founder of Sacred Worth LLC

  • Lindsay Pera

    “The Mystics Society is one of my favorite online spaces. Lindsay and her amazing team curate a sacred space of beautiful connection, inspiration and promote thoughtful self-inquiry and conversation in a most loving way. I am truly grateful to be both a member and a contributor with this magical group of Mystics!”

  • Lindsay Pera

    “The Mystics Society is led by Lindsay Pera, a beautiful human and Modern Mystic. The Mystics Society is a safe online space where we can all let our mystic flags to fly, connect with other like-minded women who are deep into their spiritual journeys and who are creating or working in meaningful soulful businesses. The level of support from the other members, Lindsay, and the monthly video calls is phenomenal and unparalleled. Everyone who joins the Mystics Society is treated with respect, kindness, and we are all fully supported! I can't imagine NOT being part of this online space.”

  • Lindsay Pera

    “How lucky am I to be part of the Mystic Society circle? Now in my fourth year of membership, a vast world of previously unknown forces appears visible to me, and I now see myself from an entirely different coign of vantage. For me, our circle is a sitspot from which I cocreate all variety of adventures with my modern mystic sisters. I love that founder Lindsay Pera (and her many partner/leaders) invite all modern mystics to dance at the edge of change, to engage and support each other to raise our powers to an ever-higher level—to reach into our hearts, to stretch our capacity for gratitude, to master the mystic art of manifestation, and to act as leaders for global transformation. This circle lifts me everyday!”

  • Lindsay Pera

    “Lindsay’s ability to blend the mystic and the aspects of running, sustaining and succeeding in business have been instrumental in moving Beth Wonson & Company and Navigating Challenging Dialogue® to the next level.
    Her awareness of so many business models, strategies and resources combined with her ability to feel into what will resonate or not for me in particular is unique and invaluable.

    In my 6 months of working with Lindsay, I have increased followership and client engagement, created a communication and email strategy that works, been featured on national level podcasts and had amazing guests on mine. All of this focus and intention has translated in money in my business.”

    Founder & CEO of Beth Wonson and Co.

Alchemy and Manifestation

Trust in the Knowing

Sacred Inquiry

The Mystics Society is for people who:

  • Know deep inside that they see and experience the world differently than most people around them, and hunger to commune with others like them
  • Access alternate ways of knowing and develop the tools to transform reality
  • Are kind, generous of spirit, loving and intentional
  • Want to harness the full breadth of their intuitive gifts and abilities, and have the guidance and mentorship to do so

The Mystics Society is all about the honoring of rhythms...

Rhythms within our solar system, rhythms within our planet earth, and rhythms of the year. We seek to attune ourselves to these rhythms and trust in the ways they nurture and support us along the way.

Every month, community posts, portal content, and group coaching calls follow the rhythms listed below.



What's Included in your Mystics Society Membership?

Monthly Content

Our learning resources within the Mystics Online Portal follow monthly themes intended to deepen personal practices, hone new skills, and create natural rhythms for living as modern Mystics. You'll notice a weaving of themes and rhythms through all that we do within the Mystics Society. You can lean into the stability and knowingness that rhythms offer us, especially in these times.

Group Coaching Calls

The Mystics Society hosts two monthly group calls. The first is our Salon Calls that teach to proprietary frameworks found within our book The Mystics Path.

Our second monthly call is our Business Alchemy Breakout where we address new paradigm business and leadership topics.

Private Facebook Group

Our private facebook group offers lively conversation and sharing with others who completely and utterly “get you.” Within our hallowed halls we have daily, weekly and monthly rhythms in the form of prompts, and facebook lives. It's a place for us all to reflect on the monthly theme and commune with one another.

About Lindsay

The Mystics Society was founded by Lindsay Pera in 2014 as an extension of the Mystics Mastermind and Mastery Circles. Over the last five years the Mystics Society has created and nurtured a space for deep and meaningful conversations.  With over 200 members, the Mystics Society cultivates more ease, grace, and everyday magic in all our lives.

Lindsay is an intuitive strategist, mentor, and writer. A natural manifestation artist since she was a child – Lindsay continues to delight in and explore the power of human intention to shape reality – and in finding ways to accelerate and amplify the manifestation process through the creation of guided circles of like-minded people. She is committed to helping people reconnect to their ancestral magical heritage and access the knowledge, power, and wisdom that comes through this connection.

Having spent her life exploring and implementing powerful tools, processes, and personal routines to support and facilitate healing and transformation, Lindsay brings that experience and her gift of access to her channel to the Mystics Society.  The goal is to provide the tools, practices, and support that helps members align with their gifts and find the freedom to serve their true purpose.

Lindsay wants to live in a world where gratitude flows freely, kids play outdoors, and lemons are in season year round. She's a sought after contributor and leader on all topics gratitude, wellness, inspiration, and magic. It is our honor to welcome you into this community.


See You on the Inside...