Sometimes it really takes a commitment to apply deep, singular focus for an entire day.  This 1-day personal intensive program is designed to help you to create immediate simplicity, clarity and strategic vision for full alignment to your true path and purpose.

At some point many of us find ourselves stepping back, looking up, and asking ourselves some hard questions:

Am I doing what I’m truly here to do?

Am I on path?

Am I seeing the results I expected?

Am I happy, healthy and living the lifestyle that matches my values and desires?

I offer these private intensives to create the space for a fundamental reset, realignment and crystal clear guidance on moving forward with intention.

During our time together we will

  • Map your life wheel identifying key areas of balance and imbalance and opportunities for realignment
  • Create prioritization rings and core routines to support your self-care, business and expansion
  • Identify and claim your true zone of genius
  • Clear the blocks that may be affecting your productivity, enjoyment or ability to receive (joy, money or opportunities)
  • Create the vision for your full alignment to your true purpose, passion and potential
  • Open you to receive the benefits of synchronicity and align you with the power of manifestation.

What I expect from you…

~ Transparency – the ability to tell your story in a way that is real, true and authentic

~ Vulnerability – the willingness to face your fears, shortcomings and setbacks

~ Courage – the strength to create a new story, new routines and a new path ahead

~ Commitment – I’m in with you 100% – I need you to meet me at that level

Together we will push up our sleeves and map your way forward.

What you will get from me….

Your One Day Intensive Includes

  • A Quick Start process that ensure we use our time wisely, get to the heart of your desires and create a shared vision for the results you desire to see
  • Full-Day In-Person or Virtual Intensive- A full day focused on you, your life and your business. You feel seen, heard and inspired in ways you have never felt before.
  • Follow up support – I delight in connecting people to resources, support and opportunities. Once you are a VIP client – your highest good is on my radar. And you’ll know it.
  • 1 Month of Unlimited Access – Reach out to me via email or private Facebook page. Transformation comes with change – so whether the need is emotion, strategic or tactical I’m there to support you and guide you forward after our immersion.
  • 30 minute follow-up Session – You are not alone. 2-3 weeks after our intensive we will reconnect and recalibrate where needed.  Change can take time, but we’ve got you aligned to the destination and equipped for the journey ahead.

Are you ready?

If you would like to connect with me about your specific needs and discuss how to become a private client please click below to send an email and schedule a clarity call.


Please note:  This kind of Intensive is a great place to start for clarity, strategy and alignment. If you know that you want guidance and support to implement and integrate our session you might want to consider one of my longer personal mentorship options.