Five Health Principles for Mystics in 2025
As we navigate our way forward into the new year in the face of the complexities of modern life, achieving full health requires a holistic approach that integrates physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual elements. In a time filled with distractions and misinformation, it’s essential to reconnect with our inner wisdom and cultivate a balanced existence. This year, let’s explore five powerful principles designed to enhance your well-being and empower your journey as a mystic.
These principles—Truth, Joy, Subtle Refinement, Discipline, and Light—are not just concepts but guiding forces that can transform our lives. They encourage us to embrace authenticity, celebrate our unique gifts, and foster a deeper connection with ourselves and others. By embodying these principles, we can navigate the challenges of our time with grace and resilience, paving the way for a more harmonious and enlightened existence.
Let’s explore each principle and discover how they can illuminate our paths in 2025 and beyond.
- Power of Truth
- Power of Joy
- Power of Subtle Refinement
- Power of Discipline
- Power of Light
Power of Truth
Many believe our bodies have the ability to inherently recognize truth from falsehood. Practitioners of alternative medicine often utilize a technique known as kinetic testing to tap into this awareness. Kinetic testing can be a simple exercise used daily or during significant decision-making moments to help identify what “truth” means in the body.
To do a “kinetic test" extend your dominant arm while instructing it to remain strong and straight. Resist any attempts to push it down with your other hand. Now state a simple truth, such as “My name is ____.” Your arm should remain firm. When you state a falsehood, like a made-up name or address, your arm is likely to lower. If it doesn’t, you may be feeling overwhelmed—and can try again later.
The use of kinetic testing can help us to access different pathways of trust and discernment. Tapping into an inner sense of knowing can be a powerful way to cut through the noise of obfuscation and lies. That said, our own internal bias can sometimes be the ally of misinformation, the work of untangling truth from propaganda is not always easy, especially when the lies are louder. When taking in information in times of division or conflict, strive to go slowly, be cognizant of the source and the motive, and pay attention to who might be served by the belief in the information, and also who might be harmed. Becoming a sleuth in the name of truth in these times often has more to do with finding the small thread of light between opposing voices. When in doubt, pause, ground, and get curious.
The importance of truth can’t be overstated. In our current era of misinformation, recognizing and adhering to truth provides hope. While false narratives can gain traction, they ultimately falter when confronted by genuine strength. With kinetic testing we begin to develop stronger communication pathways within ourselves. Strengthening this muscle of inquiry, deep listening, and connection is key to cultivating better discernment in the face of misinformation or propaganda. Start within yourself. Remember, resilience and authenticity prevail in the long run.
Power of Joy
In my early career as a journalist, I had the privilege of meeting notable psychic Jeane Dixon, known for her prophetic visions. She spoke of a forthcoming "time of Great Joy," a movement that is already taking root today. Many are experiencing newfound joy, while others work through trauma that may delay this transition.
Joy is a natural state that empowers us. When we resonate with joy, we open ourselves to creative solutions and deeper connections. Joy is not merely an emotion; it is an act of resilience. As Maya Angelou noted, joy sustains us, allowing us to overcome challenges and connect with others.
Power of Subtle Refinement
As mystics, you have the unique ability to tune into subtle energies—the unseen forces that influence our lives. Modalities like Reiki, homeopathy, and feng shui can enhance your connection to these energies.
Research shows our capacity to perceive even the faintest signals, like a single photon of light. This sensitivity is a gift that can be honed. As we evolve, we are witnessing the emergence of a new generation—Gen Z and Alpha—who embody these heightened abilities and bridge differences.
Power of Discipline
True discipline is rooted in love and commitment. It’s essential to apply this principle when facing challenges. For instance, when tempted by unhealthy choices, engage your willpower by activating your abdominal muscles. This simple action can help redirect your impulses toward healthier decisions.
Power of Transcendent Light
Approach 2025 as a year filled with increasing light. The frequencies of the Earth are rising, and we are entering a transformative era. The Age of Aquarius heralds a time of greater connection and understanding among diverse cultures.
Follow the light in your life—whether it’s through nature, art, or meaningful connections. Remember, light can shine even in darkness, guiding us toward deeper understanding and unity. As we transition into the Year of the Snake, we are invited to embrace spiritual wisdom and recognize our interconnectedness.
In 2025, take moments to gaze at the night sky or find inspiration in the clouds. Embrace the journey ahead, and dream big!
ABOUT Deni Luna, M.A.
Deni Luna is a psychic medium, diviner and intuitive coach based in Seattle. She teaches people to tune into their highest guidance, feeling heaven on earth. She practices multiple disciplines including astrology and Lipsology (the art and science of reading lip prints). She has entertained for several Fortune 500 companies.
Deni believes in the power of joy and the collective good. As the Golden Rule instructs: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” No higher law exists.
Visit to view her videos and writings on past lives in historic times—from ancient Egypt to 6th Century Wales under King Arthur.
Order your 2025 Mystics Almanac now and gain the peace of mind to carry you through the entire year.