
October 2024 Insights


As Libra season gets underway with Sun, Mercury, and South Node there, October presents ample opportunity for us to witness our own and others’ people-pleasing and conflictavoidant tendencies. Venus in Scorpio is also sensitive, moody, and vigilant of betrayal and other forms of rejection and abandonment, including of self. As the oppositional energy to our year’s guiding North Node in Aries, and with the lead up of ruler Mars challenging Chiron from his weakened position in Cancer, Libra season…

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September 2024 Insights



Virgo energy is so supportive as we now take stock through careful reflection and sorting of information to rediscover what quality of life means for us. The new moon at 11 degrees Virgo on the 2nd is a clean vessel with which to receive divine instruction for precise manifestation. Venus will journey this month from a conjunction to lunar south node in her own sign of Libra to opposing Chiron and squaring Pluto while both continue retrograde. This means Divine Feminine goddess energy is supp…

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August 2024 Insights


On August 1st Sun will be in Fire trine to North Node as Leo season continues, but Mercury having recently entered its second home of Virgo, and preparing to turn retrograde in a few days, is a reminder the party can’t last forever. By this time, we’re likely to feel grateful for that fact. Four outer planets are now retrograde and with Mercury to join, summer vacations are being squeezed for their last drop of fun with a sober understanding they will soon end and there will be plenty to tidy up…

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It IS time, dear Mystics, to rise up and do your thing. To fly your freak flag, to ask for help, to go deeper, to do the healing work, to heal yourself, and to divide and conquer based on your Unique Contribution to this Planet.

It’s foolish to think otherwise, or of anything other than your vital contribution to the world right now and HOW MUCH you really, truly matter. 

We know that it can feel daunting, crushing, overwhelming, and utterly frustrating to live in our curren…

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ASTROLOGY INSIGHTS: Year of Staying Awake in the Infinite 8 by Katina Castillo


A message to the reader...

*This astrological interpretation & divination focuses on the U.S. context. As an Evolutionary Astrologer, Depth Psychologist and Indigenous wisdom-keeper, I do not believe it is possible to extract myself from my context, perspective and experience. Therefore, I encourage all readers to translate the message and central  energetic themes to your own unique context, trusting your intuition and discernment as to what is for you, and leaving the rest. Safe travels. 


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Making Meaning and Living Your E.P.I.C. Life In 2024 Wishes by Mother’s Quest Founder Julie Neale


The name Mother’s Quest came to me early on in my motherhood journey. With a child diagnosed with autism at the age of 18 months, the intensive advocacy that followed, and more than five years of infertility before conceiving our second, motherhood had consumed me. I was desperately seeking a way to reclaim my whole human self while still showing up fully as a mother. That was my quest! 

One day, when two birds were trapped in my house and I opened the door to let them out, I realized I felt li…

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March 2024 Insights


March begins as Sun harmonizes with Jupiter, and Chiron remains in unity with the North Node. There are strong Aquarius and Pisces energies here, two signs of vision and hope that function in very different ways. Aquarius harnesses the power of higher mind in the Air element, while Pisces trusts Divine guidance in the spirit realms of Ether and Water. Aries and Taurus are also strongly highlighted, two signs of self-reliance and identity who also have their difference in approach. Aries instinct…

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A Love Song to Women’s Deep Visceral Wisdom by Mariana Bandarra


The belly has been forbidden. Persecuted. It is a target of heavy artillery and chemical weapons. The war against the belly is above all a war against being woman. Whatever their shape or size, it is inside women's bellies that life, laughter, and creation are born. Loving the belly is transgressive. It is a revolutionary act of healing.

Both inside and outside of beauty standards, women have been taught to take up as little space as possible. My place in the world is right here: marked by the …

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Embracing the Spiritual: A Renewed Relationship with the Sacred in 2024


As a minister of metaphysics, I pursue and find meaning in the sacredness of every day and everything. In my personal journey, an external longing for a good “living” caused me to take on beliefs that a “good” job and “small” sacrifices to support family and friends were valuable. A moment came when I could no longer deny that even with all my effort, I was struggling to live a “good” life. I had a deep-rooted belief that struggle was my only resource for pushing forward. But truthfully, I was s…

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Finding Daily Delight by Karen Crane


Finding Daily Delight

My newest happiness practice is finding a Daily Delight. I invite you to try it out. Whatever your personal chaos, this practice is an important tool to lift you to a higher
vibration, which always helps you think more effectively. I do this early on, to set the tone for the day. Throughout the day, I do it again whenever I need a lift.

So, what is delight? It is a delicious spark of happiness, a quick moment of joy that shows up suddenly and lifts you into a higher vibrat…

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