
December 2023 Insights


Our nurturing Mother nature is called forth. How can we center deep care over capitalism this season? What is your relationship to parenting, caregiving, old age, dying and legacy? You made it around another turn of the wheel - what ritual are you intuitively guided to honor it with this year? Who or what was lost in the past 12 months? May we celebrate the dignity of the dead, and the grief that may accompany their departure. What parts of you are you laying to rest, and what do you choose to b…

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November 2023 Insights


“If you feel self-sabotage has disrupted your journey, return to your inner ring and take an honest look at yourself. When you adjust your plans from a place of conscious awareness, you disarm self-sabotage.” ~ The Mystics Path

Faith, wisdom, compassion - let these be your trusted guides. Surrender righteousness for scholarship. There is always more to understand, other ways of knowing. Make offerings to the collective ancestors and bow your head to the healing happening through you. See wh…

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October 2023 Insights


You will know where you need to go now and what it’s time to leave behind. Recognize this clarity and resist the urge to waver in false confusion. Speak your words as prayers and spells with exactitude. Witness the seasonal turn and calibrate to the changing quality of light and temperature of your days. Be as natural as you can be. Respond to psychic awareness and communicate as on a balance beam; if you defer too much you will fall, and if you lead too aggressively the other may stumble or rea…

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September 2023 Insights


Tend the temple that is you in your devotion to the Divine. Remember that what you see is only a small part of what is there. Find humor and give thanks for every  moment you are asked to surrender control, again. Healing takes work and should be valued and compensated. How will you reward your effort this month? Look back at the intentions you set, the seeds you planted at March Equinox time, and marvel at all you’ve grown. Step out into the world and appreciate how you’ve changed. Attune to yo…

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August 2023 Insights


“Trust that your higher self is holding space for your best interest. Assume positive intent in yourself and others along the way. Loosen your grip. Hold the basket lightly. Seeking control over every aspect of your reality does not serve. Your role is to walk the path. Your role is to journey and be journeyed. ” ~ The Mystics Path

You did it. Applaud yourself, then let go. Celebrate the accomplishments of your community. Get out and play! Make fun a priority. Compost workaholism and empower a …

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July 2023 Insights


“Full awareness feels somewhat like a combination of knowing and not knowing. It’s knowing nothing in everything and everything in nothing. Remember that we all dwell in the delicate balance between visible and invisible forces.” ~ The Mystics Path

Time to put your mone/nerg/y where your mouth is. What budget needs to be in place, what resource categories need to be accounted for, what investments need to be made to align what you have with what you want to manifest now? Is your spending in the…

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June 2023 Insights


“Even though shift towards an expanded working awareness of your truth can absolutely happen in a quantum leap, more often than not, it’s a gradual process and requires a lot of conscious effort.” ~ The Mystics Path

Passionate communications may travel quickly between you and a special someone(s), or between your own mind, body, spirit. Stay in the heart no matter how seductive the psyche and its memories may be. Break open and let more light in, boldly and bravely. You have the strength to hol…

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May 2023 Insights


“Gratitude and thanks to the north, the direction of ‘not knowing’ and the unseen realm, the direction that brings us back to the journey time and time again. North is the direction of magic, of eternal mystery and truth, where past and future intersect.” ~ The Mystics Path

Revel in the romance of life and submerge in the sweetness that surrounds you. Let yourself indulge in the dreamscape and receive divine messages that may conflict with logic. Who are the women, feminine presences and waters…

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April 2023 Insights


“People who make conscious use of their energy can have a positive impact on everyone and everything around them.” ~ The Mystics Path

Honoring yourself and expressing your needs does not have to result in conflict or struggle with others. Who taught you otherwise, at what age? Risk opening to life and all it has for you through radical intimacy. Understand the innocence and purity of authentic desire. Practice accepting yourself, your way and your needs before hoping another will. Treat yoursel…

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THE ENERGIES FOR 2023: Psyche The Magical Butterfly


I’m not here,
I know you’re looking at a body,
I know you’re looking at smiling eyes,
I know you feel a presence that makes you feel good inside,
but it’s not me;
I’m gone and something else now grows
In that secret inner space left
So dark, so fertile, and so green

I don’t know what happened,
Maybe I prayed too hard,
And fell right through the line
Into the land of ancestors, right into
The womb of dreams. It’s not like
I’ve died, I’ve just said goodbye
To an old worried attachment:
I used to know thi…

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