Dearly Beloved Mystics,
As I have for the past 5 years, I collected the day-to-day astrological data for 2025, channeled my interpretations, and further refined messages with the support of tarot divination in the middle of summer so that this publication would be ready for you by the start of the new year. Every year since 2021 as the months go by, my colleagues and I are astonished at the accuracy of the messages channelled to and through us so many moons earlier. However, this time around something truly surprising has occurred.
As I sit writing and finalizing the 2025 content, I cannot help but recognize the entirety of the 2025 year’s themes playing out in condensed form during the August 2024 astrology reading. This makes sense because as astrologers have been saying for quite a long time, we knew 2024 would be the most pivotal year of transition as Pluto finalizes the total transformation of societal governing structures of our lives influenced by Capricorn.
Leo season in particular was singled out as the most disruptive, explosive, and life changing activation of the year. It was our first experience of the sun moving through Leo in opposition to Pluto at 0 Aquarius. Neptune began retrograding over the final degree of the zodiac. And, an opening square from Jupiter in Gemini to Saturn in Pisces would significantly move the changing story along that began with Jupiter-Saturn’s conjunction at 0 Aquarius in December 2020!! So I strongly encourage you to continue revisiting your awareness from this period as you embark on your 2025 journey with support from this tool.
- Love, Katina
Our confidence as creators has been strengthened by victories over defeat, and success despite many challenges. We can feel highly optimistic about our capacities now. However, we need to remember our greatness is not for egoic indulgence or applause, but for collective spiritual benefi t. We are still integrating understanding of our intrinsic and imperative part in the process of Consciousness and we are wise to remain humble in spiritual grace as we continue to confront the shadows of humanity within our collective experience and our own actualization process.
Following a strong initiation of this new calendar year by divine feminine leadership, the first full month of the astrological new year post-equinox is beautifully supported, protected, and contained by the sacred masculine. Obstacles will appear on our path to keep us accountable for our choice of focus and energetic investment with the material world wisdom and integrity. Whatever values or investments are keeping us stuck in loops of dissatisfaction will be amplified, revealing leaks in our aura and resistance held in our bodies. With this awareness we can rebalance the flow of give and take.
If we get ahead of ourselves and push too hard, the collective will mirror our overpowering presence with their own chorus of critical feedback. They say fools rush in, but perhaps it’s really the monkey mind that gets ahead of itself with greed and competition in an attempt to control outcomes. We’ve learned this lesson before and now have an opportunity to apply wisdom in real time. Clarity of intention will be key at every threshold of progress.
Hierarchy and separation are delusions of fear. In the final days of our calendar year, a milestone is reached and a lesson integrated. As hard work and patience pays off, we recognize the emotional rewards for our labor as prosperity. Emotional intelligence and psychic awareness are heightened, supporting our ability to connect with and romance all life as equal.
When we see reality as it is, we realize how abundant we are, and life feels like a worthy investment of our full selves. When we disregard our navigation system’s signs and signals, we can find ourselves swept up in a flurry of options and choices representing other peoples’ fantasies, and lose ourselves in the intoxicating sweetness of social belonging. Relationships offer wonderful learning environments and are central to a healthy and fulfilling life. However, as Mystics, we recall that the greater meaning of this life is deeply personal and spiritual - a journey that no one but us can walk. From this consciousness, we choose our company and opportunities wisely. Loving unconditionally with no strings attached.
About Katina Castillo
KATINA CASTILLO is a natural born mystic and Master of Arts in Depth Psychology with specialization in Community, Liberation, Indigenous and Eco- Psychologies. She also holds certifications in Permaculture/Indigenous Sustainable Design, Agroecology, and Ancestral Herbalism. She has served as teacher, counselor, mentor, consultant and facilitator for more than 20 years across a broad network of organizations and communities dedicated to justice and wellness for all. Katina is her most natural, joyful self in nature, engaging in movement practice, prayer, meditation, and ceremony, with family, the animal world, and Spirit
Order your 2025 Mystics Almanac now and gain the peace of mind to carry you through the entire year.