International Woman's Day

In honor of International Women’s Day - we include you in OUR CALL TO LEAD. As women in leadership, sisters in a circle, as co-creators in life and business WE desire to acknowledge this day. March 8th is International Women’s Day... The intention of International Women’s Day is to celebrate and recognize the accomplishments of women worldwide, acknowledge the truth of the distance we still have before us to journey toward true parity of income, status, and opportunity, and to take action together as people, both men and women, who believe that women’s rights are in fact human rights. Together, we recognize our role as leaders of women and of women’s communities and desire to use our collective voice to breathe life into the new paradigm women’s movement and move forward toward the common good and common mission of women worldwide. 

Our Intention... It is our intention to model the opportunity to blend our voices, combine our resources and platform, and find collaborative models to empower, support, and lift one another. Our desire is to give voice to women around the world who are unable to speak their truth or unable to claim their voice or leadership due to geography, the political climate, or economic status. It is our passion to create a container for this conversation in so doing shine the light on the power of women’s voices, honoring our evolution as leaders, and specifically, honor THIS time women’s history. We also seek to celebrate and honor the men and the advocates who have helped to pave the path and dedicated their own resources, courage, and expertise to the cause. We believe this is OUR time to Lead - it is time to come out of the quiet, out of the shadows of fear and historical patterning and use our strength, our gifts, our collective voice, and our platforms to make a ripple of change for women everywhere. If this message speaks to you, and you want to join in OUR call to lead, here are some suggestions of ways to join us and make a ripple of these messages in your own home, community, and business. Call to action on this day... Ask yourself… What do I believe in? What is my story and my truth, and who can benefit from hearing it? Where can I leverage my own safety and privilege in order to help others who may not have the same safety and privilege? How can I make my voice be heard today? Who’s stories or struggles are being unrecognized and how can I shine a light on them? How can I honor my body, mind and spirit today? How can I reach out and connect to other women honoring the new model of collaboration and collective co-creation? International Women's Day gives us an opportunity to pause, reflect and then ask the important questions that move us forward toward a collective future where women claim their leadership and pave a new way for future generations. We’ve heard the call - and we hope you will join us - it’s OUR call to lead. With love & gratitude Celia, Elena & Lindsay cel[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]    

If this approach and conversation appeal to you, consider being a part of our community of new paradigm entrepreneurs, creatives, and emerging leaders in the Mystic's Society. Our business themes for the year are "Money, Magic, and Meaning"...Join the Mystic's Society.
Are you ready to create a shift in your relationship to success and money?  I'd love to hear more in the comments below....