July 2023 Insights


“Full awareness feels somewhat like a combination of knowing and not knowing. It’s knowing nothing in everything and everything in nothing. Remember that we all dwell in the delicate balance between visible and invisible forces.” ~ The Mystics Path

Time to put your mone/nerg/y where your mouth is. What budget needs to be in place, what resource categories need to be accounted for, what investments need to be made to align what you have with what you want to manifest now? Is your spending in the right order? Are you nourishing what you desire to grow? Meditate on integrity; assess what’s working and what needs restructuring. Reflect on your own economic system (from the Greek oikos nomia = management of home). How can you emulate the wisdom of Earth’s natural ecosystem inputs and outputs? Give generously from a place of secure abundance; receive generously from a place of dignified worth. Value all that you have, or give it away. - Katina

When we were pulling the cards for the divination of 2023 and arrived at July, it felt as though the energies really shifted from the first half of the year, making way for the second half and all that is to come. Shaman, West and Higher Self as guiding energies this month offer the opportunity not only to slow down and look beyond the mundane but to shift your focus from the more tangible aspects of the inner self and toward the “higher” or more spiritual aspects of your life. Bring owl eyes and deer ears, which help us see and hear things in new ways, into your days and weeks. Listen deeply to the sounds that you know to be true. Ask the big questions. And don’t be afraid to examine any and all aspects of your life from a new vantage point of what serves you most, what feels most resonant to your soul. This is a turning of the page. 

The Shaman card guides our health and wellbeing this month, inviting us to bring the unseen into sight. Shaman energies help create synergistic healing and opportunity as it relates to your physical vessel this  month. Your allies will be trust and reverence. Make impeccable choices in July in all that you “consume” - not just food but media and experiences as well. Your cells will thank you. West guides our Relationships this month and reminds us to give thanks for all the ways our connections to those around us actually bring goodness to our lives. With West energies influencing our matters of the heart, we are guided to take nothing for granted. Notice the beauty in all things social and societal where you can. Remember that the West also guides your ancestral connections and don’t forget to take time to give thanks to all who have gone before you as well. West energies can be truly lovely and delightful. Seek ways to “set down the heavy” this month and simply enjoy those around you. 

Last but not least, Higher Self shows up guiding our money matters this month. From North last month to Higher Self this month, our financial matters want to be more aligned and resonant than ever. This is not the time to make rash purchases or investments. Truly discern what is in best alignment from the lens of your most evolved and enlightened self. Not sure? Maybe pause instead. You are being guided to invite prosperity in ways that are truly aligned to your highest good this month. - Lindsay

Order your 2023 Mystics Almanac now and gain the peace of mind to carry you through the entire year.