Modern Mystic Mary Sage Sennewald

Tell us about you and what you do, and tell us about your family:
My name is Mary Sage and I'm a multi-passionate helper, therapeutic body/mind worker. Some of my favorite tools are iRest Yoga Nidra (in person and online), cranio-sacral therapy, aromatherapy, feng shui, mindfulness and permaculture. My daughter Metta ("lovingkindess") is my favorite teacher and co-hort on this wild ride we call life. Metta was born in California and we've returned to my roots in Minnesota for this chapter of our lives.
How do you stay healthy, resilient and vibrant?
Daily walks and giggles. Love of food from honoring it's growth to preparing nutrient dense meals. Practicing self-care routines and being committed to a balance of play, life, work.
What does being a Mystic look like on a daily basis?
Attuning to the present moment regularly and being in awareness. Noticing what's arising and tending to it, visioning what's desired and tending to it, clearing what's no longer resonant and tending to that. Having the life wheel as a tool that's always in motion and refining.
Tell us about your path to creating your path right livelihood (and what does Right Livelihood mean to you)
I have always journeyed as an entrepreneur and for me right livelihood is a commitment to tracking with my authentic gifts and aligning with the ways they are being called to be shared. I love to collaborate and naturally network through living in community locally and socially. The means to the financial support is becoming more clear and my hope is that in this time of such upheaval, healers and coaches and the like will be called out and compensated in glorious ways for helping to heal and reframe the crises.
How have you integrated your innate talent and Mystic Arts into your life? What challenges did you face in this integrative process?
Yes! I love the integration and have always been a bridge-walker. Challenges include sharing my gifts to a broader audience and expanding my breadth.
What important lesson would you share with an earlier version of yourself, or to somebody who is just now exploring what a mystical path might mean to them?
Keep going. Trust the inner navigation of your desires in the face of doubt and resistance. Just because it hasn't been done before, doesn't mean it shouldn't be done now:)
If there was only one thing a person could find the energy and resources to make a priority, what should it be?
Take time to "feel into" what's going on. Feel into, beyond just thinking about, what's happening inside of yourself and listen to the messengers that are arising.
What is your favorite inspirational quote?
What we do for the one, we do for the all. Lindsay Pera:)
What drew you to the Mystics Society and Modern Mystics Institute. How did you connect with Lindsay?
Pure magic and blessings! Our lives met through my husband and then our wellness center.
The Mystic Society and all if its offerings have been a watershed of guidance, support, inspiration and trusted community. I cannot imagine meeting the challenges or pursuing my path without this work as a constant living toolbox and cheering squad in one!
The Mystic Society and all if its offerings have been a watershed of guidance, support, inspiration and trusted community. I cannot imagine meeting the challenges or pursuing my path without this work as a constant living toolbox and cheering squad in one!