November Insights

Gratitude and thanks to the north, the direction of “not knowing” and the unseen realm, the direction that brings us back to the journey time and time again. North is the direction of magic, of eternal mystery and truth, where past and future intersect. - The Mystics Path
There is magic here. November rides on the coattails of October’s blessings and wants to make things real with recognition of tangible achievements. It’s as if the experiential goodness of October is greater realized in the consciousness of this month. Perhaps what density in our beingness has been alchemized becomes integrated as the truth of who we are now, and therefore elicits a more positive outlook on the journey ahead, a more optimistic narration of our story. There are great healing waters flowing this month which will hopefully soothe the mental fixation on making things even better now that we have renewed confidence in our manifestation ability. It’s good to want to improve, and to be committed to sustaining evolution, but we can become obsessive, controlling, pushy and arrogant if we are not careful to present ourselves in the truth and beauty of reality as it is now, both in Light and Shadow. There is potential to experience incredible intimacy, sexual potency, and spiritual communion now but unfortunately, toxicity, sabotage, and manipulation are just as much of a choice with these energies. How can we choose from the soul rather than the ego in our interactions this month? Are we deciding from a place of Love or Fear? - Katina
November energies are very mystical in nature across all three transformational levers. First, we see the Sacred Masculine governing our Health & Wellbeing, reminding us to trust in the recalibration of the life force energies being born within us and throughout the collective and to allow new advocacy and knowing of what makes you healthy, happy, and whole. You are claiming mastery of your own playbook.
Breakthrough energies lead the way in matters of the heart this month. This may show up in your romantic, familial or professional relationships. But it also bodes well for the broader social fabric. We have been in a cauldron of conflict and dis-ease churning our way toward fracture or resolution. Breakthrough will literally break through the stalemate and show us where our attention and connection are most needed.
When it comes to Prosperity & Abundance this month, let yourself be guided by the North. North energies return to the forefront once again this month after guiding our relationships in September. Now we see North holding anchor here in the seat of our Prosperity and Abundance throughout the end of the year. North governing our finances is not always the most comfortable energy to be awash in. Much may
seem uncertain. You may feel like you are trying to see in the dark. Remind yourself that you hold innate illumination within. Notice your strengths and your liabilities and prepare accordingly. You may not think you have clarity of sight but remember even the earliest sailors had all the guidance they needed by aligning to the North. Let it guide you as well. With caution, care and awareness, abundant returns may be closer than you think. - Lindsay
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