Modern Mystic Sherri Hayter
Tell us about you and what you do, and tell us about your family:
How do you stay healthy, resilient and vibrant?
Modern Mystic Robin Green
Tell us about you and what you do, and tell us about your family:
My name is Robin Ray Green I'm a mother of two boys an well as an acupuncturist, author, and speaker. I help women and children restore their health and well-being by tapping into the ancient wisdom of the Five Elements. I do this through my book, Heal Your Child from the Inside Out, my blog, and in my online trainings for acupuncturists. When we live aligned with the Five Elements we can create more ease, flow, health and happ…
Right Livelihood. It's real.
My husband Casey (aka the Fireman) and I were closing the loop on our 2016 tax planning this weekend and it was clear that a pause and celebration was in order. It's so easy to move quickly from one phase into the next without stopping to appreciate where you’ve been and express gratitude for all that you’ve been through - instead, let's take a moment to celebrate and reflect.
I am so honored to share that once again the Mystic's business ecosystem doubled in growth. It's amazing really. …
Coming Out of the Shadows
I was in a long-term, happy marriage. I was blessed to be the mother of beautiful children. I had my own software company. To many, it may have seemed like, “She’s got it all.”
But there was still something missing.
I was still experiencing chronic illness and…and what?
I dove deep within and found some insidious little blocks living in the inner recesses of my being. These blocks had been put in place to keep me safe. “Don’t show yourself fully.” “It’s not safe to let someone in.” “You …
Modern Mystic Profile: Denise Dare
Tell us about you and what you do, and tell us about your family:
I’m a dreamer, writer, mystic, mentor, educator and mama. I love learning and growing and the constant evolution of this human experience. My life is quite full…I’m a mentor to women ready to reclaim their power to create a life of their dreams. I’m an educational facilitator for homeschool families. I’m a homeschooling mama to my two rad daughters. I’m a writer and speaker and spiritual leader. I’m the founder of Self Love Sis…
Aligning to Your Soul Purpose and Path
On the journey to Right Livelihood, the first step, Aligning to Your Soul Purpose and Path, can be your biggest challenge. Your soul purpose and path is an understanding of who you are, what you are here to do, and the process you will use for the journey.
There are some who come into this life knowing their purpose. A five-year-old might say, “I want to be a heart surgeon.” All through school, this young one is delighted to learn math, chemistry, biology, and eventually fulfills the dream.
…Subtle Blocks to Right Livelihood
Many of us are feeling a deeper call to find more purpose and meaning in our lives. We feel an invitation to walk more fully into who we truly are and allow this to become what we do and how we are seen in the world.
This is the journey of Right Livelihood. Yet the path, at times, can offer subtle blocks. We get stuck, we mire in the muck, and even question whether we’ll ever reach the Right Livelihood destination.
I’ve got a secret to share with you; the path is the destination.
Right Li…
How something as fluffy as metaphors make for soul-inspired real world changes
Metaphors are potent vessels of transformation. They are used everywhere in our world to influence our behaviour. For example in marketing and politics. They have so much impact, because we don’t just hear them, or see them with our ears and eyes. They go directly to our gut. They impact us in a way that is much more direct than just words.
And actually, metaphors are even more powerful than that.
In a way: Everything is metaphor.
The main way that our body/mind/soul system make sense of the …
Modern Mystic Profile: Vanessa Couto
Tell us about you and what you do, and tell us about your family:
I'm an astro coach & artist. In my work with clients, I weave in elements from depth psychology, dreamwork, storytelling and psychological astrology. Through my work, my intention is to bring about insight, clarity and a bigger perspective on the transformational issues that one is facing. In many ways, I'm a 'liminal coach', serving as a guide as my clients journey through their own threshold experiences of change and transfor…
As we move into December, I feel myself yearning for the silence of winter. In the old way, winter was a time of sitting around the fire and listening to each other. The elders would tell the old stories, passing along their wisdom to the young.
Everyone knew this was a time of deep listening, which is one of the guiding principles of peacemaking.
Listening deeply with a quiet mind allows you to be open, connect to the person speaking, and look for understanding.
This type of respectful co…