
Mystic Motherhood

I recently shared on the Mystics Facebook page a post addressing the concept of the “Village Ideal.” This ideal suggests it “takes a village” to raise a child. But in today’s world, it is a rare mom who actually has a village to rely on. Somewhere between “It takes a village” and today’s picture of single moms struggling to make a better world for their children is a new (or ancient?) mothering paradigm I call Mystic Motherhood. Mystic Motherhood demands both an intentional inquiry into our own …

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The Practical Side to Tarot: A Life Coach's Approach

There are so many myths surrounding Tarot. One of them is that it is completely magical and mystical and other-worldly. Where that is true, we don’t realize that there is also a very real and practical and THIS-worldly side to it as well.

Tarot shows us the journey of humans that is transcendent of time and space. It shows us the ups and downs, the challenges and celebrations, the motivations and resistance that we all face in our lives.

To me, these are Universal Truths … regardless of the f…

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Sacred Commerce

In my work with modern mystics, I see a deep struggle in many of my clients surrounding the role of money in their search for their deeper purpose and true calling.  On the one hand, there is this widely held belief that a sacred alignment with the universe should somehow transcend such profane concepts as money, that to talk money is to somehow “lower the vibration” of our search for our higher calling.  On the other hand, well, we’ve all of us got bills to pay, and we believe that successfully…

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Tapping for Intuition and Divination

Tapping for Intuition and Divination The following is an EFT Tapping Script from Claire Hayes. Just tap on the points while saying the words out loud and notice the difference. You can download the Tapping Points here Even though I’m not sure what I am doing, I love and accept myself Even though I don’t see my way, I love and accept myself Even though I feel out of touch with myself, I love and accept myself Not connected Not sure what…

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International Woman's Day

In honor of International Women’s Day - we include you in OUR CALL TO LEAD. As women in leadership, sisters in a circle, as co-creators in life and business WE desire to acknowledge this day. March 8th is International Women’s Day... The intention of International Women’s Day is to celebrate and recognize the accomplishments of women worldwide, acknowledge the truth of the distance we still have before us to journey toward true parity of income, status, and opportunity, and to take action togeth…

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Right Livelihood

I try to always show up 100 percent authentically with what is real, alive, and true for me in my thoughts, words, and actions.  While planning content for the Mystic’s Society, I realized I kept using the word ‘success’ in my writing, particularly personal financial success, and how it fits into the picture of sacred commerce.  I hear so many women who say, “I feel stuck in my job, my life, my business…,” “I want to make more money,” or “I want to be more successful.”

My business partner Aaro…

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The Power of Divine Feminine Leadership

"The only safe ship in a storm is leadership" ~ Faye Wattelson

During the Vancouver Peace Summit in 2009, the Dalai Lama said, “The world will be saved by the Western woman.” This statement, requoted on just about every platform imaginable, was a call felt around the world.

This call to action to the “western woman” is our opportunity. It asks us to take responsibility to find the way in which we can answer the call. The world is begging for a more compassionate, connective, and peaceful a…

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The Two Pauses

There are two pauses to be mindful of… the pause at the end of the inbreath and the pause at the end of the outbreath.

After we breathe in and gather there comes the upbeat, the pause… This is the raising of the conductor’s baton just before he beats the first beat. It is the “and” of the dance teacher letting the class know they need to be poised and ready. Then with the outbreath, the downbeat, the “1”, come the expansion of energy, of action, of engagement, of letting go… At the end of the e…

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May The Force Be With You


Do you find you go through surges and waves of productivity?

What stops you from getting things done? Sometimes I figure out that some of my most productive days are ones where I let go of pushing toward a goal and relentlessly trying to make it happen. If there is too much resistance and everything is going all wrong, I know the timing is not my timing but divine timing. I must push against my tendency to get distracted or procrastinate in order to fulfill an aim that I had for the day. …

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So much has been written about manifestation, abundance, and the Law of Attraction since the release of Rhonda Byrne's book, The Secret, that I needn't go into it here.  What I feel called to illuminate, however, are some lesser-known practices for the process of transmuting your intention into form.

Intention is a keyword here.  (def)




1. a thing intended; an aim or plan.

"she was full of good intentions"

Beyond even intention, is desire. (def)


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